Consultation and Design

“It is said 5 minutes of planning is worth 15 minutes of doing". With landscape design and growing food, 5 minutes of planning is worth dozens and dozens of hours of doing, and can save thousands of dollars and headaches”

-Michael Seliga-Soulseed, El Presidente de Cascadia Edible Landscapes

Our Process:

We have you fill out our edible landscape questionnaire and letter of engagement. We typically call to discuss the project over the phone first, and then send homework based on your current situation and needs. For simple consultations, we can do a remote conversation and tour and send you a simpler follow up. If the site is complex enough, or our consultant needs to understand the site-specific limitations, then we will schedule a time to come out and meet.

If the client opts to take notes, then our time is limited to the site and we will give you our ideas, best practices, vendors, tips to apply your budget wisely, and connect you to various contractors/specialists to help you on your way. If client requests we put together a report, typically it is done in a PowerPoint/Google Slides presentation.


  • First 10-15 minute phone Call: Pro Bono,

  • $150 for the first hour and $100-150*/hr for each additional hour working on the consultation and/or design, depending if a licensed landscape architect is working on it.

Designs range from $1000-3500*+, and can be specified in more person on the design elements requested and needed. We can do hand drawn designs for simpler projects and CAD designs for larger more complicated projects with likely amendments and changes.